Who are we?
Tunity developed the first mobile application of its kind which allows users to hear live audio from muted televisions. Through a patented deep learning and computer vision technology, Tunity identifies a live video stream and its exact timing, syncing the audio with the user’s mobile device. Tunity is used by people at bars, restaurants, gyms, universities, doctor’s offices, airports and even at home to enjoy listening to TVs from their mobile devices. Based in New York City, Tunity is on a mission to revolutionize the out-of-home TV experience and transform the way brands engage with consumers

It's so simple!
Scan the TV.
Tunity syncs to that channel's audio.
Stream the TVs audio directly to your device.
Hear what's happening in real time.
Through headphones or a speaker, you can now listen to any muted TV. In a bar, gym, airport, waiting area wherever you are, we've got you tuned in.
Let us help you improve your guest’s experience. Tunity provides an audio solution for out-of-home TV viewing in any type of location: bars, restaurants, gyms, universities, waiting rooms, doctor’s offices, airports and more. Join the Tunity community today by ordering our marketing kits!
Tunity helps you mute the audio problems at your venue – each customer can listen to audio without bothering staff, patrons or other guests. Moreover, offering Tunity at venues improves customer retention by up to 30%. With the FREE Tunity consumer app, all you need to do is raise awareness at your venue about this solution. Even that is simple – order our marketing kits with everything you need in one place.